Our Blog.

CHESS Health is dedicated to helping more people get into treatment and find meaningful connections that enable them to achieve lasting recovery from substance use disorder. Real and lasting recovery is why we do what we do.

Research Links The Use Of Smartphone App To Improved Retention In Sud Treatment Programs

The war against opioid addiction is still raging onward, even though it’s taken less of the spotlight lately. The CDC’s most recent numbers indicate that more than 69,000 people still die each year from drug overdose.[1] While the numbers are trending downward, getting patients into care—and keeping them in retention longer—is still a key barrier to winning the battle. But that’s changing, especially in the area of retention. And that’s good news as research shows that longer retention results in more favorable outcomes.[2]

An Infection of Fear: The Unseen Victims of COVID-19

As a sense of dread spreads across America around the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact on those struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) is even more significant, yet relatively unacknowledged. Fear of getting the coronavirus is driving those with SUD to make decisions that put their lives at risk—not from the virus, but from a real, even more life-threatening concern: overdose.

A Crisis on Top of a Crisis

The social distancing and quarantine orders in place across the land are effective in slowing the spread of coronavirus, but the destructive consequence is that they unravel the very support structure that people in recovery depend on.

Three Opportunities To Improve SUD Transitions Of Care And Reduce Dropouts

Opioid deaths, addiction, and misuse of prescription drugs continue to be significant issues for communities across the country. The good news is that we are making progress. Besides additional support from the White House, payers are stepping up coverage for support and treatment. While we can celebrate our progress thus far, we need to be cognizant that we still have a long way to go. One of the major barriers inhibiting success remains a disjointed continuum of care for SUD patients. When patients experience fragmented care, especially in transitions of care, they are more likely to abandon treatment.

$200 Million in CCBHC Expansion Grants

Thinking of applying? CHESS can help The National Council for Behavioral Health recently sent out an email blast to spread word of a funding opportunity announcement from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Clinics across the nation are now eligible to apply for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Expansion Grants. What…

New Year, Same Problems – or New Year, New You?

For so many people who struggle with addiction and Substance Use Disorder, this can be one of the most difficult times of year. Holiday parties at work or with friends invite overindulgence in the name of celebration. Family gatherings, so often an emotional minefield, can reopen old inner wounds, and inflict new pain as well. The arrival of a new year can be just another reminder of time and opportunity wasted, and the start of another round of despair and desperation.

Prison and Addiction

The Massachusetts Department of Correction press release announces more than $1.2 million in federal funds intended to “treat opioid use disorder among inmates effectively and humanely . . . ” At Chess Health, we’re delighted by this news.

A New Definition for Addiction

People deserve compassionate, evidence-based care that reflects the chronic and unique nature of this illness

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