Our Blog.

CHESS Health is dedicated to helping more people get into treatment and find meaningful connections that enable them to achieve lasting recovery from substance use disorder. Real and lasting recovery is why we do what we do.

A New Definition for Addiction

People deserve compassionate, evidence-based care that reflects the chronic and unique nature of this illness

The War On Opioids Begins In The ED

Leveraging Peer Specialists and Patient Engagement Tools Prior to Discharge Helps Establish a More Successful Recovery Journey
Woman looking at phone

Home for the Holidays, Recovery Not Relapse

Like your sobriety date, the holiday season marks important milestones on the calendar. It’s a time of year filled with memories and the anticipation of time spent with family and friends. Whether it is the first season of sobriety or many years into recovery, the holidays are a time of year that heightens feelings of vulnerability, stress, and loneliness. So how do you maintain your sobriety and survive the holidays?

The Power of Two for Treating Substance Use Disorder

Those who work in the Substance Use Disorder treatment community will likely find Kathleen Hannigan’s observation relevant – especially when the discussion turns to the best way to incorporate technology into the recovery mix. Mobile health tools hold promise, but most recovery experts believe that without peer support, their effectiveness is limited. It’s the power of both that can make the difference in recovery outcomes.

Benzodiazepines and Opioids: A Deadly Combination

Reducing Gaps in Information is Key to Treatment Success The latest statistics from the CDC indicate 63,632 Americans died in 2016 from drug overdose, 66% of which were related to opioids.1 Of those, JAMA reports an estimated 30% occurred while patients were also using benzodiazepines.2 This, unfortunately, is not surprising as the risk of an overdose within the first 90 days of concurrent use is five times that of opioid use alone.2

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