Health Plans & Payers.
CHESS improves the outcomes and quality of life for members with substance use disorder
Across the United States, Medicaid MCOs and other health plans use eRecovery and the integrated Connections app to give their members additional support to achieve and sustain their recovery from SUD. Whether the member is leaving residential treatment or starting MAT in a clinic, their recovery journey will be long and hard, with a significant risk of return to use and readmission.
The Connections app provides members with 24/7 peer recovery support and digital CBT to complement and boost their provider treatment experience. Additional support is available for pregnant and postpartum women, adolescents, and other high-need cohorts.
The result of better outcomes is a better quality of life for the member, lower rates of return to higher levels of care and ED visits, and total cost of care savings.

When a member with SUD is encountered, such as in a hospital setting or through unrelated case management, CHESS Health will help engage and support the member to start treatment. Using eIntervention and its integrated Connections Text service, CHESS Health’s certified peer support specialists can engage with members and apply their lived experience and training to motivate and facilitate connecting the member with treatment.