Our Blog.

CHESS Health is dedicated to helping more people get into treatment and find meaningful connections that enable them to achieve lasting recovery from substance use disorder. Real and lasting recovery is why we do what we do.

CHESS Health’s Rewards module, part of the eRecovery solution

Boosting Recovery with Contingency Management

Kimberly Wooldridge recalls the story of a client at GRAND Mental Health in Tulsa, OK, struggling to afford presents for her child’s upcoming birthday. The young mother was participating in the facility’s Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD), and even though she was working, her basic living expenses were eating…
A simplified view for the Connections app displays only select features to help patients in recovery ease into using the powerful tool.

Introducing Simplified Connections App View

Individuals in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) face multiple challenges throughout the journey. With every step, from the realization that treatment is needed to the day-to-day commitment to stay sober, people battling SUD can become overwhelmed with choices.  To reduce cognitive overload and enhance user accessibility, CHESS Health is introducing a simplified app view…
Extending therapist support 24/7

Skeptic to Advocate: Extending Therapists’ Support

It was a Friday evening and Jerrica Evans and her husband, Scott, were driving home after a long week at work. The two therapists are employed by the Southwestern Regional Day Report Center (SRDRC) in West Virginia. It’s an isolated, rugged, and rural landscape spread across the rumpled foothills of the Appalachians and marked by…
Innovation and technology to provide SUD support

Maximizing Opioid Settlement Impact

As state and local officials across the United States search for innovative, evidence-based approaches that meet disbursement criteria for the $54 billion in opioid settlement funds that flow through the year 2038, one direction is clear. Given the strain on our behavioral healthcare system, the use of proven technology must be a part of the…
A Family Resource Practioner’s Approach to Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

A Family Resource Practitioner’s Approach to Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

Breann Hudson lives and works in a place most Americans associate with otherworldly happenings – New Mexico’s Chaves County is home to the city of Roswell of flying saucer fame. Hudson, however, is all too familiar with the county’s worldly ills – twin cycles of blinding poverty and addiction. This sprawling, arid county is home…
virtual support meetings for addicts and SUD clients

Virtual Support Meetings Offer Critical Recovery Support

Jeff Blackburn knows the critical importance of virtual connection in recovery from personal experience. After many turbulent years of incarceration and struggling with addiction, he completed a long-term recovery program and turned his life around. In February 2020, Blackburn began working as a peer coach at a facility for others in recovery. Just four months…
The Daunting Task of Allocating Opioid Settlement Funds

The Daunting Task of Allocating Opioid Settlement Funds

Local and state decision-makers across America, specifically those charged with allocating national opioid settlement dollars, face a daunting task: They must determine how to meaningfully spend the $54 billion in opioid settlement funds now flowing over 18 years. The funds are a result of legal agreements with the 14 major pharmaceutical opioid manufacturers, distributors, and…
Navigating Opioid Settlement Fund Distribution

Navigating Opioid Settlement Fund Distribution

Over the next 15 years, state, local, and tribal authorities will have the opportunity to receive funds from a pool of more than $54 billion in opioid settlement funding. As those dollars begin to flow, recipients of the funds are tasked with identifying trustworthy partners who offer demonstrated solutions that are aligned with the spending…
Rewards Module Simplifies Incentive Programs for Patients

Rewards Module Simplifies Incentive Programs for Patients

Rewards are among the most effective incentives for individuals in treatment and recovery for substance use disorder (SUD), but the difficulty in creating and managing these programs often prevents providers from implementing them. In a system already stressed by staffing shortages, providers want to use evidence-based solutions that work, but lack the resources to build…

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