CH-1 for AUD.
Digital CBT modules for Alcohol Use Disorder.
Pending FDA approval, CH-1 for AUD provides self-directed, web-based digital CBT lessons to enhance cognitive behavior skills in adult patients with AUD.
Pursuing FDA Approval
CHESS Health is currently pursuing FDA approval for CH-1 for AUD, a web-based, prescription digital therapeutic intended to deliver cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to adult patients with AUD to increase abstinence from alcohol.
CH-1 for AUD is intended to provide CBT as an adjunct to behavioral health treatment and/or pharmacotherapy for patients 22 years of age and older who are currently enrolled in outpatient treatment under the supervision of a clinician.
CH-1 for AUD has demonstrated efficacy in multiple clinical trials in adult patients with AUD.
This product is currently not available for license or purchase.